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Writer's pictureTonille Miller

The Art of Execution: How to Drive Change and Get Results in Your Organization

To drive change, implement strategies, or achieve anything in your organization, it's essential to leverage the right organizational mechanisms. This means understanding and leveraging the complex system that constitutes the organizational fabric to ensure the changes are effective and lasting. When a company rolls out a new technology platform, policy, or strategic initiative, they often rely on emails or training sessions to inform employees. However, this approach frequently leads to confusion, dissatisfaction, and resistance, because it fails to address the organization as an interconnected system. 

Here’s how to effectively drive change by considering the organizational dynamics and taking a people-centric approach:

Articulate the purpose. Develop a compelling vision and business case, highlighting the future state, end-user benefits, how the change aligns with the organizational or team strategy, and the role of those impacted in accomplishing it. This sets the stage for shared understanding and commitment.

Determine impacts and reinforcement levers. For each affected group, determine the timing, impacts, benefits, challenges, expectations, new ways of working, and necessary resources for successfully adopting the change. Consider the most effective channels for communication, establish feedback loops, and integrate the change into existing organizational structures (policies, SOPs, incentives, performance management, rituals, habits, and nudges).

Co-create with stakeholders. Engage and stress test with managers and employees. Involve a representative sample of those impacted by the change in the planning process. Solicit their feedback to identify potential issues, resistance points, and gaps in your strategy. This collaborative approach not only improves the plan but also builds buy-in.

Leadership. Identify senior leaders who can champion the change. They should model the desired behaviors, communicate the vision through storytelling, and hold individuals accountable. Visible leadership reinforces the importance and legitimacy of the initiative.

Empower and equip managers to lead the change. Provide managers with the tools and resources they need, such as the vision, impact details, their specific roles, expectations, FAQs, talking points, and training. Involving them early in the process ensures they are prepared to support their teams effectively and serve as a feedback loop.

Engagement and support. Develop a targeted communication and support plan to keep leaders, managers, and employees informed about the change. Emphasize the vision, rationale, impacts, timing, expectations, and metrics for success. Clearly outline the support available and channels for questions and feedback, ensuring continuous engagement and adaptation.

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