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Writer's pictureTonille Miller

Find Your Assignments: How to Discover Your Purpose and Play Your Unique Part

Consider this: scientists estimate the probability of any one of us being born as 1 in 400 trillion. Given these odds, it's hard to believe we're here just to, as Chuck Palahniuk said in "Fight Club," buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like. Nor are we destined to live lives of quiet desperation, as Henry David Thoreau observed. Clearly, there are no accidents. Each of us exists for a unique and essential purpose. We play a vital role in the orchestra of life, and our unique contributions are the pieces that complete the greater puzzle.

But how do we discover these roles? While there is no universal method, several practices can guide us on this journey. Here are a few to get you started:

Reflection on What Moves You

Reflecting on probing questions can uncover the assignments that resonate most profoundly with our true purpose. As Martin Luther King Jr. once declared, "If you haven't discovered what you would die for, you are not fit to live." Consider these questions:

  • What would you die for?

  • What makes you come alive?

  • What is the big problem you want to be part of solving?

  • What breaks your heart in the world?

  • What would you do for free because you love it so much?

  • What activities make you lose track of time because you enjoy them so much?

  • When do you feel most alive, fulfilled, or in flow?

  • What problems or challenges in the world ignite a fire within you to take action?

  • What are the common themes or values in the moments when you've felt most fulfilled or proud of yourself?

  • If you could make one significant change or contribution to the world, what would it be?

Determine Your Ikigai

Ikigai, a Japanese concept translating to "reason for being," encapsulates the essence of a fulfilling life. This profound idea suggests that our true purpose lies at the intersection of four key elements: what you love, what you excel at, what the world needs, and what you can be rewarded for. By exploring and integrating these components, we can uncover a deeper sense of meaning and satisfaction.

  • What You Love: Engaging in activities that bring you joy and enthusiasm is crucial for maintaining motivation and a positive outlook.

  • What You Excel At: Utilizing your strengths and skills not only brings a sense of accomplishment but also adds value to your endeavors.

  • What the World Needs: Identifying and addressing societal needs creates a purpose that transcends personal gratification.

  • What You Can Be Rewarded For: Finding ways to monetize your passions and skills ensures you can sustain your efforts without compromising your livelihood.

Exploring our Ikigai harmonizes our passions, talents, and contributions, leading to a life of purpose and satisfaction. This journey involves continuous introspection, experimentation, and adaptability. Living in accordance with our Ikigai brings coherence, aligning our inner values with our external actions and fostering harmony and balance. Ikigai infuses each day with meaning and enthusiasm, helping us approach life with renewed purpose and vitality.

Living on Purpose

Rather than exhausting yourself in the pursuit of a predefined purpose, focus on aligning with your true self. Pay close attention to the assignments that naturally present themselves—opportunities, challenges, and tasks that appear in your daily life, often unexpectedly. By being open and receptive to these moments, you allow life to guide you toward experiences aligned with your true self. Engaging with these tasks wholeheartedly invests in your personal development and the well-being of others. Purpose begins to reveal itself not as a distant goal but as a series of meaningful actions and experiences that bring fulfillment and joy. This approach transforms the search for purpose from a distant quest into a present reality, where purpose is lived through intentional and mindful actions. Jay Shetty defines living on purpose as taking what you’re passionate about and using it to help others. True purpose is not self-centered but outward-looking, involving leveraging your unique talents, skills, and passions to benefit others and contribute to the greater good. By focusing on how you can serve and uplift those around you, you create a ripple effect of positivity and impact, making your life purpose-driven and meaningful.

Vision Crafting

Defining your personal mission clarifies your core values, passions, and the impact you want to have in the world. Start by reflecting on your core values, passions, and interests, considering what activities or causes ignite your enthusiasm and bring you fulfillment. Think about your strengths and unique skills, and how you can leverage these to contribute meaningfully to others. Write down your reflections and distill them into a concise statement that encapsulates your purpose and aspirations. This statement should inspire and motivate you, serving as a compass to guide your personal and professional decisions. Regularly revisit and refine your personal mission to keep it aligned with your evolving experiences and insights.

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